Students' Work
A selection of some of the great and crazy projects our students have been working on.

Student K created, filmed, edited and added audio, music and SFX to this great little project.

Join Student S as they wander around the universe.

J used 3D design software to create this chess set and a 3D printer to produce a complete chess set.

They came, they planned, they built. From nothing to an entire settlement featuring roads, buildings, parks, railways and lighting.

K worked immensely hard on prototyping this stereo amp in cardboard. He attempted to 3D print it although the walls were too thin or took too long to print so he opted for balsa wood. The board was expertly soldered together and the layout inside works really well. Hook up your phone and you are away!

The first question was "Can we play Doom using a Texas calculator?". And obviously the next question was "Can we play Doom using Toasters as a games controller?" Yes and Yes!

If you, like us here at Lab Media, are a very busy person, you won't have time to reach out and pick up a biscuit. The struggle is real! Fear not, the Bisc-o-matic will automatically collect your favourite bickie and fire it in to your mouth saving you countless seconds in your day.

Student S created his own Top Trumps solar system based on his friends and family. Graphics created in Adobe Photoshop, worlds created in S's mind and with the use of AI. Two of the planets exist in a binary spin - one of these planets has died, forcing the inhabitants to move to the sister planet.